Gather here helpful information for your customers.
You can also use this article as a folder of more detailed articles.
Ticket work flow:
Ticket -> initial analysis (Assigned stage):
Type of ticket:
- change request
- bug fix
- standard functionality
- costume functionality
- SLA1
- SLA 2
- SLA 3
- SLA 4
Priority of the ticket
Type of customer:
- Flat (all new request should be take into consideration) (B-export, SF1)
- Float (new request should be collected and decide if it is light customization and to be done through SLA or it is for new sprint (ticket goes to the commercial validation needed stage, task created) (Cinemanext, Infomineo, ITAF, Solfins, Space Exploration
- Undefined CLasper, EMKA, Hudi, MTEL
Select green light or red light if it is ready for next stage or blocked (need more information form the customer)
(In progress stage): ticket in progress functional or technical solution.
Select green light or red light if it is ready for next stage or blocked (need more information form the customer)
Client validation stage: ticket was done and pushed to the UAT waiting for ticket validation by customer.
Select green light or red light if it is ready for next stage or blocked (need more information form the customer)
Kako tiket treba da izlgeda tj koje informacije nam trebaju od klijenta.
Organizacija tima